A Primavera Brasileira ! / The Brazilian Spring !
Por Samuel de Jesus
Milhares estão nas ruas protestando contra o aumento do preço da passagem de ônibus, mas não é somente isto. Estamos vivendo um momento de inflexão democrática. As lutas pela terra no Brasil culminando com a morte de missionários, índios e pessoas engajadas na luta pela terra e seus autores absolvidos, desalojamento violento de comunidades como a do Pinheirinho e da Aldeia Maracanã, contestações à aprovação do código florestal, e o avanço da construção da usina hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, a manutenção no poder de José Sarney e a volta de Renan Calheiros, o governo refém da bancada evangélica no Congresso Nacional, sobretudo a escolha de Feliciano para a Comissão de Direitos Humanos, também a falência do ensino publico e na “cultura” o surgimento de pseudos sertanejos sexistas, depravados e bêbados e os seus veículos de comunicação que vomitam todo seu lixo cultural na boca dos jovens brasileiros, esse quadro se soma aos preparativos para a Copa do Mundo que envolveu um investimento do Governo Federal da ordem de mais de cem bilhões de reais, após a aprovação da Lei da Copa que passou por cima de leis nacionais como a que proíbe a venda de bebidas alcoólicas nos estádios de futebol. A Copa do Mundo realizada com dinheiro público e seus ingressos caros, a corrupção à luz do dia e sem vergonha, pois o Tribunal de Contas da União está obrigando a devolverem mais de quatrocentos bilhões de reais aos cofres públicos, a corrupção está mais clara como a luz do dia e realmente somos a sociedade do pão e circo, do espetáculo promovido às massas de bárbaros que consomem bebida até vomitar, inconscientes do mundo e que não querem nem saber, a sociedade de massa que prefere um gol de placa a um gol de letra da educação, a sociedade do deslumbre e do desbunde, a colônia sacramentada, os bestializados estão em transe. Então é nas ruas que se grita, que se debate, que se surta, que se contesta, critica e age, é na rua o lugar do povo cansado dessa democracia de fachada, o inverno está aí e depois dele a primavera virá.
The Brazilian Spring!
Thousands are on the streets protesting against the increase in the price of the bus ticket, but not only that. We are living in a democratic turning point. The struggle for land in Brazil resulting in the death of missionaries, Indians and people engaged in the struggle for land and its authors acquitted violent eviction of communities like the Pinheirinho and Maracana Village, challenges to the approval of the forestry code, and construction progress the hydroelectric plant of Belo Monte, the maintenance in power of José Sarney and around Renan, the government hostage evangelical bench in Congress, especially the choice of Feliciano Commission for Human Rights, also the failure of public education and "culture" the emergence of pseudo sertanejos sexist, depraved, drunken and their media outlets spewing all your cultural garbage in the mouths of young Brazilians, this situation adds to the preparations for the World Cup which involved an investment of the Federal Government order more than one hundred billion dollars, after the adoption of the Law Cup that ran over national laws such as banning the sale of alcohol in stadiums. The World Cup held with public money and their expensive tickets, corruption in daylight and without shame, since the Court of Audit is forcing give back more than four billion dollars for public coffers, corruption is more clear as the light of day and actually are the society's bread and circuses, the show promoted the masses of barbarians who consume drink until they throw up, unaware of the world and does not even want to know the mass society that prefers a home run to a goal letter of education, society and astound desbunde, enshrined the colony, the bestialized are in trance. So it is in the streets screaming, struggling, who freaks out, which is not disputed, criticized and acts, in the street is the place of the people tired of this facade of democracy, the winter is here and spring will come after him.
The Brazilian Spring!
Thousands are on the streets protesting against the increase in the price of the bus ticket, but not only that. We are living in a democratic turning point. The struggle for land in Brazil resulting in the death of missionaries, Indians and people engaged in the struggle for land and its authors acquitted violent eviction of communities like the Pinheirinho and Maracana Village, challenges to the approval of the forestry code, and construction progress the hydroelectric plant of Belo Monte, the maintenance in power of José Sarney and around Renan, the government hostage evangelical bench in Congress, especially the choice of Feliciano Commission for Human Rights, also the failure of public education and "culture" the emergence of pseudo sertanejos sexist, depraved, drunken and their media outlets spewing all your cultural garbage in the mouths of young Brazilians, this situation adds to the preparations for the World Cup which involved an investment of the Federal Government order more than one hundred billion dollars, after the adoption of the Law Cup that ran over national laws such as banning the sale of alcohol in stadiums. The World Cup held with public money and their expensive tickets, corruption in daylight and without shame, since the Court of Audit is forcing give back more than four billion dollars for public coffers, corruption is more clear as the light of day and actually are the society's bread and circuses, the show promoted the masses of barbarians who consume drink until they throw up, unaware of the world and does not even want to know the mass society that prefers a home run to a goal letter of education, society and astound desbunde, enshrined the colony, the bestialized are in trance. So it is in the streets screaming, struggling, who freaks out, which is not disputed, criticized and acts, in the street is the place of the people tired of this facade of democracy, the winter is here and spring will come after him.
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