A Primavera Brasileira dentro da "ordem" / The spring inside the Brazilian "order"
A ausência de um manifesto expressando o caráter de contrariedade à ordem vigente fez com que grupos de direita dentre eles de partidos alvos do protesto (como PT e PSDB) aderissem a manifestação. A mídia começou a direcionar os protestos para onde queria, assim transferiu a responsabilidade apenas para o governo federal e tirou o foco sobre o principal responsável, o governo de SP, responsável também pela ação policial que espancou manifestantes. Sabiamente os articuladores do Movimento Passe Livre suspenderam os atos.
A ausência de um manifesto expressando o caráter de contrariedade à ordem vigente fez com que grupos de direita dentre eles de partidos alvos do protesto (como PT e PSDB) aderissem a manifestação. A mídia começou a direcionar os protestos para onde queria, assim transferiu a responsabilidade apenas para o governo federal e tirou o foco sobre o principal responsável, o governo de SP, responsável também pela ação policial que espancou manifestantes. Sabiamente os articuladores do Movimento Passe Livre suspenderam os atos.
As autoridades inicialmente pensando que seriam poucos os manifestantes mandou a polícia sentar o porrete como todos sabem, mas agora que o Brasil inteiro aderiu, eles vem a público solicitar uma manifestação "sem violência", uma "manifestação pacífica". Era irritante a postura ordeira de muitos manifestantes que gritavam "sem vandalismo". Em muitos lugares a primavera brasileira foi ordeira, mansa, em alguns casos, como o de Sorocaba foi até organizada juntamente com os membros da prefeitura, sindicato do comércio e com roteiro pré-definido, tudo muito consentido. O conceito de hegemonia prevê concessões dadas aos liderados, pois o grupo hegemônico deve conceder algo para se manter no controle, pois é a forma que encontram de se legitimar ou seja dizer que permitiram porque são democráticos.
A mentalidade individual burguesa de preservação do patrimônio privado prevaleceu também, esse movimento assustou muito pouco e a classe política já está sabendo como manipular, por exemplo, o grande hipócrita senador Álvaro Dias do PSDB-PR, falava da Tribuna do Senado contra a violência aplicada aos manifestantes, mas no momento em que falava "esquecia" de dizer que quando era governador do Paraná, em 1990, sua polícia meteu a porrada nos professores que faziam greve. Choca mais uma vidraça de banco quebrando que uma criança em um hospital sem atendimento como disse meu amigo Anderson.
A ausência de um foco claro fez até grupos de extrema direita ir para as ruas. Movimentos como esse precisa de um foco claro. Minha sugestão. Manifestações pela reforma política. A primavera brasileira precisa de foco, pois do contrário se transformará em algo semelhante à Marcha com Deus e Pela Família como disse meu outro amigo o Barão de Pirapora. O caráter aberto só possibilitou distorções. VAMOS REPENSAR.
Escrito por Samuel de Jesus 21/06/2013
The absence of a manifesto expressing the character of opposition to the prevailing order made right groups among them the targets of protest parties (such as PT and PSDB) adhered manifestation. The media has begun to direct protests to where I wanted, so just transferred responsibility for the federal government and took the focus on the primary responsibility, the government of SP, also responsible for the police action who beat protesters. Wisely articulators Movement Free Pass suspended acts.
Authorities initially thinking it would be a few protesters told the police sit the club as we all know, but now that the whole of Brazil joined, they hereby request a demonstration "without violence," a "peaceful demonstration". It was annoying posture of orderly many protesters who chanted "no vandalism." In many places the Brazilian spring was orderly, gentle, in some cases, like that of Sorocaba up was organized along with city officials, trade union and predefined script, all very consented. The concept of hegemony provides concessions given to the followers, because the hegemonic group must give something to keep in control, as is the finding of legitimizing that is allowed to say that because they are democratic.
The individual mentality of bourgeois private property preservation prevailed also scared that move very little and the political class already knowing how to manipulate, for example, the great hypocrite Senator Alvaro Dias PSDB-PR, spoke Tribune Senate against violence applied to protesters, but the moment he spoke "forgot" to say that when he was governor of Paraná, in 1990, police got their ass kicked in the teachers who were striking. Shocks over a pane of bank breaking a child unattended in a hospital as my friend said Anderson.
The absence of a clear focus groups made up of far right to go to the streets. Movements like this needs a clear focus. My suggestion. Demonstrations for political reform. Spring Brazilian needs focus, otherwise turn into something similar to Walking with God and For the Family as told my other friend Baron Pirapora. The open character only possible distortions. WE RETHINK.
Written by Samuel de Jesus 21/06/2013
The absence of a manifesto expressing the character of opposition to the prevailing order made right groups among them the targets of protest parties (such as PT and PSDB) adhered manifestation. The media has begun to direct protests to where I wanted, so just transferred responsibility for the federal government and took the focus on the primary responsibility, the government of SP, also responsible for the police action who beat protesters. Wisely articulators Movement Free Pass suspended acts.
Authorities initially thinking it would be a few protesters told the police sit the club as we all know, but now that the whole of Brazil joined, they hereby request a demonstration "without violence," a "peaceful demonstration". It was annoying posture of orderly many protesters who chanted "no vandalism." In many places the Brazilian spring was orderly, gentle, in some cases, like that of Sorocaba up was organized along with city officials, trade union and predefined script, all very consented. The concept of hegemony provides concessions given to the followers, because the hegemonic group must give something to keep in control, as is the finding of legitimizing that is allowed to say that because they are democratic.
The individual mentality of bourgeois private property preservation prevailed also scared that move very little and the political class already knowing how to manipulate, for example, the great hypocrite Senator Alvaro Dias PSDB-PR, spoke Tribune Senate against violence applied to protesters, but the moment he spoke "forgot" to say that when he was governor of Paraná, in 1990, police got their ass kicked in the teachers who were striking. Shocks over a pane of bank breaking a child unattended in a hospital as my friend said Anderson.
The absence of a clear focus groups made up of far right to go to the streets. Movements like this needs a clear focus. My suggestion. Demonstrations for political reform. Spring Brazilian needs focus, otherwise turn into something similar to Walking with God and For the Family as told my other friend Baron Pirapora. The open character only possible distortions. WE RETHINK.
Written by Samuel de Jesus 21/06/2013
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